Wait, 77% of employees feel completely burnt out?! (Here’s why!)

Over the last 4 weeks, I’ve had the great pleasure and honor of speaking in front of 4 organizations—all about the topic of establishing a True North Radical Resilience strategy.

Each of the presentations was powerful and engaging in their own right, but I noticed something peculiar happen at 3 of them:

Within the first 20 minutes of my presentation, I noticed someone in the audience beginning to cry. 

After each of these talks, I knew I had to talk to these folks!

In each conversation, I heard similar versions of the same story:

“I’m at my breaking point at work,” they’d tell me with tears streaming down their face.

However, what’s interesting is that it didn’t appear to be affecting their job performance, at least not significantly!

What does this mean?

I dug a little deeper and discovered something truly eye opening:

These professionals were channeling whatever bandwidth they had left into their work, leaving nothing for their personal lives.

They tried to keep it together and rely on mental boosts at work, but I knew it was a losing battle! 

That’s why 77% of employees have reported feeling burnt out and businesses endured a 49% turnover rate in 2022! (Those are staggering numbers!!)

Plus, their bosses and colleagues would miss the warning signs and not help them, especially when the business was struggling through a recession. (I understand putting your needs aside for the sake of paying bills!)

With all of this new information, it brought me back to one simple truth:

It is possible to operate at peak performance at work while simultaneously growing in your personal life.


Define your True North values—the principles that guide your every decision. That’s how you stop hitting your breaking point and excel in all areas of your life!

Without a defined strategy, you’ll find yourself like those audience members—running on empty and hoping for another boost at work! (It’s not sustainable!)

Those star employees were crying out for a lifeline, and these numbers will only get worse if nothing changes. That's why we need to do something… something radical!

I can’t change the world, but I’ll keep throwing out True North Radical Resilience lifelines to as many organizations, families, individuals, etc. as I possibly can!

If I can prevent just one person from joining that 77% statistic, then I’ll have done what God’s called me to do!

And I know this phenomenon is not just isolated to the work place - the signs that people are struggling and in need of resilience resources/tools are everywhere!!

So - what are you prepared to do?

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