Don’t feel like the man you’re supposed to be?

Every day, we see men who —

  • Avoid responsibility…

  • Self-destruct at crucial moments…

  • Lose themselves and withdraw from society…

Not because they aren’t sensitive, “alpha,” or productive enough…

Because they don’t know what it means to be men anymore.

We watch boys live in men’s bodies, seeking instant gratification and creating chaos wherever they go.


Because they don’t have a firm foundation of who they are as men.

70% of us have NO loved ones to reach out to for help, and when we embrace our masculinity, we’re labeled as “toxic”...

But here’s the truth:

When we lose our masculine identity— which roots us in taking responsibility—we’re tempted to act “toxic!”

And without masculine men, research proves that families, businesses, and society suffer.

To be the man you’re capable of being, you HAVE to know who you truly are.

So if you’re a husband, father, brother, or son who struggles with embracing your masculinity, listen up.

Our podcast is designed to help you embrace responsibility in your life and reclaim your God-given identity as a man.


Your hosts, Dr. Andy Garrett and Pastor Eric Heard, combine 20 years of clinical experience with over 45 years of pastoral experience…

Together, they clock in over six decades of dedicated work on masculinity, men’s issues, and male identity.

Our podcast combines a unique blend of Scripture, cutting-edge research, and deep psychology work to help you establish and affirm your masculinity.

So if you’re ready to become the man God created you to be, plug in your earbuds and get listening!

Ep01: Discovering True North: Navigating Identity and Purpose with Dr. Andy Garrett and Pastor Eric Heard

In this episode, Dr. Andy Garrett and Pastor Eric Heard come together to share their personal journeys of discovering their true north, despite the challenges they faced in their upbringing and cultural contexts. Additionally, Pastor Heard emphasizes the crucial role of a father figure in helping young men navigate their identity and purpose in life.

Ep02: Journey of Self-Discovery: Finding Your True Identity as a Man with Lessons from David and Goliath

Welcome to today's episode where we delve into the topic of finding your true identity. As men, we often struggle with understanding who we really are, which can lead to a lack of direction and purpose in life. In this discussion, we explore the importance of having a healthier, more mature sense of self and the telltale signs of operating out of your true north. We also highlight the three biggest mistakes men make in their pursuit of happiness, success, and fulfillment. To further illustrate our points, we draw inspiration from the story of David and Goliath. So sit back, relax, and let's explore this journey of self-discovery together.

Ep03: Defining Masculinity: Developing a Healthy Sense of Identity and Core Values with Great Friendships

In this episode, we tackle the issue of masculinity and how it affects our sense of self. We dive into the unhealthy ways men seek to find their masculinity and the root causes behind this behavior. Our guest shares insights on how to help young men find their true masculine identity and the importance of defining core values in this process. Join us as we discover the twin sisters of character traits and values and the freedom that comes from choosing to do the right thing. Let's explore how to develop a healthy sense of identity and why great friendships are essential on this journey.

Ep04: Navigating Pain and Emotions: Finding Breakthroughs in the Chaos

In this episode, we explore various aspects of emotions, including the source of pain, unhealthy emotions, and being in a reactionary state. Our hosts emphasize the importance of having healthy emotions and character development, using Superman as an example.

Ep05: Building Meaningful Connections: The Significance of Community and Friendship

In this podcast episode, Dr. Garrett shares his insights on the importance of community and friendship in our lives. He highlights how being alone can negatively impact our mental and emotional well-being and draws attention to the classic character of Scrooge as an example of a person whose lack of meaningful relationships made him a tyrant. This episode also provides practical tips on how to make oneself more approachable to others and how reaching out for help can have a positive impact on our body during stressful times.

Ep06: The Power of Emotional Awareness and Forgiveness for Men's Growth

In this podcast episode, Dr. Andy and Pastor Eric Heard discuss the importance of emotional awareness and vocabulary for men. They highlight damaging emotions like anger, jealousy, and resentment, and the psychological immune system that can hold us back. The importance of dealing with emotions like shame, guilt, and regret is emphasized. The speakers explain the concept of forgiveness and its role in personal relationships, as well as the importance of honor.

Ep07: Nailing Down The Truth: Navigating the Depths of Masculine Awareness

In today's discussion, your hosts Dr. Andy and Pastor Eric Heard delve into the profound significance of emotional awareness and vocabulary specifically tailored for men. Throughout this episode, they shed light on the detrimental impact of emotions like anger, jealousy, and resentment, which can hinder our personal growth and well-being.

Ep08: The Power of Your Circle: How Surrounding Yourself with the Right People Shapes Your Morals

In this episode, we'll be discussing the power of surrounding ourselves with the right people and the impact it can have on our morals and behavior. We'll discuss the importance of finding a supportive community, the dangers of isolation, and how to balance solitude and community. Remember to reflect on your struggles and hold yourself accountable for your actions.

Ep09: Unlocking Resilience: Navigating Life’s Challenges and Embracing True North - Kicking Off Season 2!

Welcome to Season 2 of The True North Movement podcast! In this episode, we dive deep into the essence of resilience with Pastor Eric Heard and Dr. Andy Garrett. Together, we explore the critical role of staying true to one’s values and building resilience in facing life's inevitable challenges. Through personal narratives, reflections, and insights, our esteemed guests share valuable perspectives on developing authentic resilience, connecting with one's true calling, and the transformative power of trusting in a higher purpose.

Ep10: Aligning TrueNorth: A Deep Dive into Resilient Leadership, Identity, and Faith

The episode provides a deep dive into the intersection of resilience, identity, and leadership. Both Dr. Garrett and Pastor Heard share personal experiences, biblical narratives, and reflections, shedding light on the role of resilience in various life aspects such as marriage, parenting, and professional endeavors. They articulate the importance of aligning with one's TrueNorth, illustrating how resilience in leadership is intimately tied to identity and biblical principles. The dialogue evolves, touching upon the resilience in marriage, referencing meaningful biblical teachings and psychological studies, and providing valuable insights into navigating challenges and fostering personal growth.

Ep11: Unraveling the Ties of Marriage, Faith, and Growth: The Transformational Journey of Michael and La Vonne Earl

Having held the role of Chief Operating Officer at Trinity Properties for over 20 years, Michael now stands as the Chairman of the Board. While his professional achievements are significant, he emphasizes that his greatest accomplishment is the family he's nurtured alongside La Vonne. In contrast, La Vonne, a dedicated Christian Life Coach, specializes in emotional wellness and relationships. She serves the community by teaching at the Orange County Rescue Mission and offering weekly online classes.

Ep12: Discovering Our Compass: Tim Lukei on Faith, Masculinity, and the Quest for Authentic Identity

In this riveting episode of The True North Podcast Movement, we're joined by the remarkable Tim Lukei, a beacon of inspiration for countless individuals navigating their faith and identity. As someone who has experienced both the highs and lows of spiritual journeys, Tim's stories offer profound insights into resilience, purpose, and the significance of true calling.

Ep13: Rediscovering Purpose: Deep Dive with Jim Burns on Family, Faith, and Fulfillment

Jim Burns, renowned author and speaker, brings a wealth of experience and insights on marriage and family. From personal struggles to profound revelations, this episode explores the intricate web of relationships, the role of faith in overcoming adversity, and the pursuit of a fulfilling life anchored in one's true north.

Ep14: From Fragility to Strength: Embracing Resilience with Dr. Andy Garrett and Pastor Eric Heard

In this episode, Dr. Garrett and Pastor Heard also delve into the essence of radical resilience. They explore the importance of introspection, aligning with core values, and the power of living authentically. Through their professional experiences, they highlight the role of feedback and psychological safety in building resilience. This dialogue is a blend of personal stories and professional wisdom, offering practical advice for anyone on the path to a more resilient and authentic life. Tune in for an inspiring and transformative journey.