Learn the secret tactic of Navy Seal instructors to gain the #1 strategic advantage in business

There’s one single force on Earth that leaves even Fortune 500 CEOs in awe:

The Navy SEALs.

The SEALs are one of the most elite teams on the planet, and the reason why says so much about how resilient leaders bring out the best in everyone. 

(Which is why I’m excited to talk about it!)

Here’s a great story to illustrate this:

Navy SEAL training, known as BUD/S, is a year-long grueling test of mental endurance and physical stress.

Instructors subject their trainees to nonstop, grueling trials to see who will thrive in adversity. (See why I like this story??)

In one particular trainee class, there were two teams, both tasked with moving heavy boats up and down a beach. The faster, the better!

One team was killing it, moving their boat almost effortlessly up and down the beach…

While the other team was struggling to motivate themselves and keep up.

The BUD/S instructors noticed this and called the two team leaders in for a meeting.

They instructed each leader to swap teams to see what would happen. (The leader of the losing team claimed that the reason the other team was winning - was because they had the strongest SEALS - and he was confident that if he was in charge of the more talented team - he would be winning all the challenges!).

So - what happened when they made the switch??

The losing team, when paired with a radically resilient leader, started to shine!

The winning team did well at first, but without their stellar leader, they quickly declined.

Before the instructors knew it, the losing team was now miles ahead, moving their boat like it was nothing!

The instructors discovered something radical that day:

What makes a team truly remarkable isn’t its inherent talent or momentum...

When a team has a radically resilient leader at the helm, they’re far better able to meet grueling challenges and thrive in adversity!

In fact, it’s why the Pentagon is investing hundreds of millions of dollars into resilience training for military leaders—it’s what unlocks people’s true potential during the toughest of times!

The same goes for your organization:

Once you set a precedent for radical resilient leadership, you’ll unlock each person’s massive potential to rise to today’s grueling challenges!

So, if you’re an organization owner, C-Suite executive, or entrepreneur who wants your team to operate like the SEALs do, it comes down to these three crucial principles:

1. Clarity

The Navy SEAL leaders know who they are, their responsibilities, and no doubt about what needs to get done. Because of that radical clarity in their identity, they’re masterfully equipped to foster that clarity for their teams.

The same goes for you and your organization: When you create extreme clarity for your people around who they are, their role in the company, and how they’re all working toward a collective goal, you’re laying the foundation for a radically resilient workforce.

2. Cohesion

SEALs are so effective and efficient because they operate as one single formidable force, which comes down to the leader cultivating that cohesion.

The SEAL leader helps their team fully trust each other in difficult times and knows how to leverage each other’s unique strengths.

That’s what separates the SEAL leaders from others: They know that, when everyone’s working synergistically, they become unstoppable. That’s the goal of a SEAL leader.

3. Consistency

SEAL leaders know that the most successful people aren’t the most talented—it’s those who, despite setbacks, bounce right back up and deliver world-class results.

SEAL leaders strive to cultivate a culture of consistency and continuous improvement in their teams, which is why they’re so resilient—they spend the maximum amount of time in flow state!

Imagine if you had a team full of people in flow state. Even when setbacks occur, your team knows how to recover and operate at peak performance almost instantly. (How radical does that sound?)

When you cultivate a culture of flow state and continuous improvement,, you’re on your way to creating a team that’s virtually unstoppable. In fact, it’s the differentiating factor in today’s uncertain economic times.

So imagine if…

👉 your leadership created absolute clarity for your organization’s goals and strengths…

👉 you and your team functioned as a well-oiled machine at all times…

👉 you cultivated a culture of consistency, operating in flow state no matter what…

If you want these imaginary results to become reality - then you need a system that teaches you how to make your leadership radically resilient, using the same principles and practices as the Navy SEALs.

If you want to learn more about my radically resilient program, respond to this email (but - my availability is limited - with only 1 open slot remaining - so, if you’re interested - I would encourage you to schedule a call with me soon!!).

Andy GarrettComment