9 Common Mistakes People Make with New Years Resolutions


9 Common Mistakes People Make with New Years Resolutions

In this weeks email - we are going to provide a link to a valuable follow-up article (from last week's message) that identifies the 9 most common mistakes that people make with New Years resolutions - and practical steps that you can take to avoid these mistakes. This article was the byproduct of an interview request that Dr. Andy received from a writer with the VisitNewportBeach.com website - which is an exceptional online concierge style resource to access, explore and learn about all of the best experiences and locations in this great city of Newport Beach that we at AG Thrive so proudly serve.

We hope you enjoy this article - it was truly a fun interview experience - and when you take the concepts and suggestions from this article and juxtapose them with the process suggested in our previous email - we sincerely believe that you will have an actionable blueprint for designing and achieving your best possible 2019!