Can You Practice Being Lucky?

The concept of luck is certainly fascinating to me - as I have had an awesome opportunity to meet, connect, and really get to know such an incredibly diverse population of individuals and families throughout my life - and especially so in my work. In that time, I have met people who swear they have figured out how to beat games of luck, who claim they have lucky routines, people who always get a front row parking spot, and others who always seem to be in the right place at the right time. Of course, I have also met many individuals who really believe that life has it out for them - and that they just cannot catch a break - with one unfortunate event after another happening to them.

This video attempts to briefly identify the Psychology of Luck - and provide some practical guidance on how you could possibly become more lucky. Now, I don’t have any practical suggestions for how to win the lottery or make an individual moment of extreme luck happen (there are really some moments that appear to have some random luck involved). But if you want to increase the likelihood that life appears to be shining down serendipitous moments and encounters on you - and do so with greater consistency - then this video might be worthwhile to watch.


People Are Talking

"When I first started seeing Dr. Andy, I had a simple goal of passing the California Bar Exam. I had failed the exam five times and I truly believed I would never overcome this hurdle. Not only after seeing him did I pass with flying colors, I was also able to address my underlying confidence and social anxiety issues. His open minded and pragmatic approach was key to my personal and professional growth. I am now happy to report that I’m thriving and look to the future with excitement, not dread. Relatable, welcoming, and supportive to the upmost degree. I couldn’t recommend him more highly!"