Here’s a secret: When you feel like this, it’s because your actions are out of alignment with the person you were created to be.
When there’s a discrepancy between what you’ve done and the fulfillment you crave chances are you’re chasing dreams that were never yours, to begin with.
Extrinsic Motivation is Expensive and Toxic:
How did you get attention as a little kid?
If you were always the superstar, the bad kid, the quiet kid who was rewarded for not bothering anybody…
…these identities were placed on you by other people and when you live up to them…instant dopamine hit! (anybody have a gold star reward chart when you were little?)
We repeat the same sorts of behavior that got us attention as a child because that’s the identity we internalize as our story.
Too often we base our worth contingent on the result we produce, because for many of us that is how we earned praise and attention from others.
It gets exhausting though...the energy and effort to keep up the “song and dance” you feel obligated to produce creates constant tensions and serious conflict.
You are NOT what you do.
You have inherent value and when you calibrate your internal compass to your True North you will be successful regardless of the circumstances you find yourself in.
How many people do you know that have the fancy car, season box seats for their team, golf the best courses in the world and have made more than enough money, but are still not happy?
External Motivation Demands EXTERNAL Rewards To Win.
Hans Selye, the renowned psychiatrist that coined the term ”stress” says that the most persistent and negative origin of stress is when we act in ways that are not consistent with who we truly are.
We put ourselves at war within ourselves.
….think about what it's like to be around a family member or perhaps a childhood friend and what it feels like to be around them…to fall into comfortable patterns and meet THEIR expectations of how they’ve defined you.
Our actions are subconscious and automatic because we behave the way our environment expects us too….even if it feels really awful….but we are compelled to do it anyway.
When we act in a way that undermines our identity we subject ourselves to a war within.
If you aren’t living a life anchored to True North you’ll be chasing a WHY that somebody else gave you, something that came from outside you and that will NEVER provide the deep rooted contentment you crave.
If you don’t know WHO… if your actions don’t exemplify the values and character strengths inherent in the core of your being…then your WHY is a lie.
Working more doesn’t soothe it.
Achieving more doesn’t quiet it.
Alcohol or Adrenaline might distract you from it but that deep dissatisfaction still rubs like a shoe that doesn’t fit.
Addiction to distractions only fuels your underlying anger and you feel trapped by success.
And when that constant internal conflict and tension spills out it hurts the people you care about most…
…you can’t get on the same page with your spouse and dealing with your kids is exponentially more frustrating than when they were going through their terrible twos.
Without True North, even elites in their field succumb to the frustrating downward spiral of dangerous behavior to cope or suffer a slow agonizing burn that leaves them questioning why they even bother…

I’m Dr. Andy Garret, the world’s leading authority on identity.
I have a doctorate in clinical psychology and extensive studies in life coaching and consultancy.
My clinical expertise is engineering psychological solutions that employ a unique holistic integration of philosophy, theology and positive psychology which places me at the forefront of a revolutionary movement to deeply understand and connect with WHO we are created to be.
In blending this approach with cognitive behavioral psychology, existential psychology, and solution-focused strategies, my programs provide a transformative experience to clients who desire a concierge style of premium clinical and coaching services.
Since 2009 I have helped thousands of people in my thriving in-person practice in Newport Beach, California.
In addition I’ve developed a mode to serve clients outside the immediate radius of my in-person practice, coaching individuals who seek the clarity and conviction to live in radical authenticity.
My goal is to help people uncover their True North and guide them to thrive despite the pressures of the world.

Continue the Destructive Patterns That Orchestrated Your Current Reality
Curtis Hunnicutt is the Leadership Development Pastor at New Life Church in La Plata, Maryland, Founder of The Release Coaching Company and author of The Millennial Manifesto: The Paradox of Progress &The E Word: An Evangelistic Manifesto. Curtis, his wife Mathilda, their daughter Olivia and their son Lukas are currently traveling around the US in a 5th wheel planting house churches and working with pastors to help them effectively reach their communities.
“Resilience is a quality characteristic in people, defined as the ability to quickly recover from a disturbance or setback or trauma. Simply is our ability to get up and continue with passion, focus and energy after being knocked down. Resilience is truly one of the greatest character traits we can develop. After attending Andy‘s seminar on Radical Resilience , I was inspired to bring 20 of our top employees and managers together for a remarkable training w Dr Andy Garrett. Our team has had a significant transformation. It has shaped the way we make decisions. I would highly encourage any organization to invest in their team members to become radically resilient in the coming year!”
-Jon Novack
CEO and President Patton’s Steel
“It is with gratitude and joy that I recommend Dr. Andy to anyone, and especially to anyone striving to live deliberately in an overexcited age. Meeting through a friend’s recommendation, our family connected immediately with Dr. Andy’s patience and experience. His insight and authenticity, in turn, helped us see the tangles of contradictory demands as a landscape within which our family - and our son - could confidently, consciously chose our paths. And thrive. Thank you, Dr. Andy.”
— N.Z.
“When I first started seeing Dr. Andy, I had a simple goal of passing the California Bar Exam. I had failed the exam five times and I truly believed I would never overcome this hurdle. Not only after seeing him did I pass with flying colors, I was also able to address my underlying confidence and social anxiety issues. His open minded and pragmatic approach was key to my personal and professional growth. I am now happy to report that I’m thriving and look to the future with excitement, not dread. Relatable, welcoming, and supportive to the upmost degree. I couldn’t recommend him more highly!”
“We have been very blessed to have Dr. Andy as part of our support system. We have seen him both as a couple and individually and have greatly benefited from his knowledge and resources. Dr. Andy is always able to offer tools and information to help us grow our capacity for self-reflection, improve our boundaries, and nurture and support our family. Dr. Andy has helped us navigate both difficult life events as well as just the day to day work required to grow as people and as partners and parents. We are very grateful for Dr. Andy’s expertise, kind and approachable demeanor, and insights and support.”
“I was struggling in many different areas of my life when I first sought help from Dr. Andy. Although I had initially hoped that he could simply give me the answers to all of my problems, he instead helped guide me down the right path in which I was able to develop all the tools, self-confidence, and healthy habits I needed to improve my wellbeing. I really benefitted from the wisdom, compassion, and resources that Dr. Andy offered, and always left my sessions feeling better than when I had arrived. Receiving psychotherapy has been an invaluable and empowering experience, and I am so grateful for the part that Dr. Andy has played in my personal growth.”
“My family is been seeing Dr. Andy for the past nine months and the results have been life-changing! He is giving us the tools to use for those challenging moments in our lives. I would highly recommend him to anyone out there that needs additional family support because he is truly a great listener and problem solver.”
— K.C.
“Dr. Andy is the most positive and motivational life coach/psychologist I have ever met. I love practicing his useful and practical tips or methods to resolve issues or problems that I encounter on a daily basis. He is encouraging and inspirational. When I think of giving up on things or goals he helps me to become more resilient and focus on my top priorities and values and helps me to tap into my sense of purpose. I’m very satisfied with our work together. I highly recommend Dr. Andy to you all and hope he can be your inspirational coach.”
— S.V.
“I have known Dr. Andrew Garret for 6 years. He has been one of the counselors that the Diocese of Orange Office of Pastoral Care has referred for those seeking professional counseling. His areas of strength are in working with families, couples, and youth. He recognizes the need for building up families and marriages in order to benefit society. We are in challenging times with the breakdown in the family. It is a blessing to have counselors like Dr. Garret who can take the time to walk with those who are hurting and are in need of guidance.”